Big Drip/2019
Mixed Media on Canvas
16” x 28”. 2019.
Original $275
Rolled Prints $65
©2019 Jenkins
Good Vibrations
Mixed Media on Canvas
24” x 24”. 2019.
Original Sold
Rolled Prints $65
©2019 Jenkins
Check Her
Mixed Media on Canvas
20” x 30”. 2019.
Original $340
Rolled Prints $65
©2019 Jenkins
Magnesium (Reworked)
Mixed Media on Canvas
15” x 20”. 2019.
Original $125
Prints $55-$95
©2019 Jenkins
You can see what this piece originally looked like here. I decided I wasn’t happy with it so I gave it a face-lift. Im glad I did.
Mixed Media on Canvas
33” x 38.5”. 2019.
Original $290
Prints $85-$285
©2019 Jenkins
Mixed Media on Canvas.
45" x 16". 2019.
Original $270
Prints $75-$225
Opposites really do attract. Whether it be a cold scoop of ice cream over the top of a warm apple pie or the warm tones of the a sunset cascading over the cool, calmness of a one ocean scene, this old saying holds some merit. There’s something to be said about the way the linear pencil marks seemingly intertwine and lead your eyes towards the sporadic brush stroke in this piece. The diagonal lines through the white space take your gaze over, right to left and down the side of the piece while the color scheme provides a sense of ease and spring-like grace.
©2019 Jenkins