

Mixed Media on Canvas. 7.5" x 8".
Original Sold
Prints $33-$40

©2018 Jenkins



Monopoly/ 2018

Mixed Media on Canvas. 7" x 10.5".
Original $45
Prints $33-$40

©2018 Jenkins



Mollusk/ 2018

Mixed Media on Canvas. 11" x 11".
Original Sold
Prints $33-$40

©2018 Jenkins


Mascara/ 2018

Acrylic on Canvas. 9" x 6.75"
Original Sold
Prints $33-$40

©2018 Jenkins



Milky Way/ 2018

Mixed Media on Canvas. 9"x 9"
Original Sold
Prints $33-$40

©2018 Jenkins



Magnitude/ 2018

Acrylic on Canvas. 8.5" x 8.5"
Original Sold
Prints $33-$40

There's something about this painting that just flowed out of me effortlessly. I wasn't thinking, I just went with it- making a mark, reassessing the piece and repeating that process, playing with different techniques, color relationships and brushes. I am very pleased with how this piece turned out.

©2018 Jenkins



Morality/ 2018

Mixed Media on Canvas. 7" x 7"
Original $45
Prints $33-$40

I've said many times, how these mini canvases are meant for experimentation. They allow me the freedom to take risks and try new techniques. This is one that just kept getting painted over and over again because I was never quite happy with it. I started to repaint the entire thing white, and to my surprise, found that these broad white brush strokes, were the breath of fresh air this piece needed. Mediums include, acrylic paint, ink, latex, molding mediums and sea shell and flower embroideries.

©2018 Jenkins




Mixed Media on Canvas. 7 1/4"x 7 1/4".
Original Sold
Prints $33-$40

I love my found objects- can you tell? Lately, Ive been picking out ground of flowers, or shells or anything else I can sew into a painting and using them an a starting point for my palette. I've always felt such a strong connection with the ocean, so my two big bowls of sea shells that I picked up along Jacksonville Beach, Florida offer worlds on inspiration for me. I'm not sure what these types of shells are called, if they even have a name. They looks like they have little tiger stripes, each one with its own pattern and shades of white and brown. I find them utterly fascinating.

©2018 Jenkins




Mixed Media on Canvas. 6 3/4"x 6 3/4".
Original Sold
Prints $33-$40

Another minimalist, palette knife paintings. I'm truly testing color relationships here. Plus, I had this really cool broken nautical shell that I wanted to incorporate in a piece. Im starting to use more grays and strongly considering what colors with compliment others. Thus, I am subsequently learning that great paintings need ugly colors.

©2018 Jenkins




Mixed Media on Canvas. 7"x 7 1/2".
Original $45
Prints $33-$40

The mini canvases are my new favorite thing. The bottom half of this started completely different before I painted over it with grey. Less is more; Ill say it a thousand times over. I decided to sew in a loose piece of canvas, an ode to a few of my much earlier works. Embroidered with flowers and sea shells and painted with acrylic and variations of colored ink, this piece takes one a very modern vibe with its bold oranges, yellows and purples.

©2018 Jenkins




Acrylic on Canvas. 6" x 6".
Original Sold
Prints $33-$40

I'm starting to love my process more than I ever have before. These tiny 6" paintings are the perfect bit of creative release I need. They allow me to take chances and not worry about the consequences. Apparently, I was feeling very minimalist on this day. I was aiming for a color scheme and composition that represented that of Native American culture.

©2018 Jenkins




Mixed Media on Canvas. 6.5" x 6.5"
Original Sold
Prints $33-$40

Ill admit something- sometimes I have no clue what I'm doing. This piece is not exception. I actually had something else painted on this but then gessoed over it because I didn't like it. Then, this white paint I laid on this, ending up being old a gloopy. I didn't realize it until it was too late but figured Id go with and build some texture over it. I began painting and it was another disaster. Just this sea of grey. But then, I peeled up that old gloopy piece of white paint, to reveal some canvas texture, and it was exactly what the piece needed. I finally had some direction, went with it and love the finished product. Sometimes you just need a bit of persistence. Mediums used include, acrylic paint, colored ink, spray paint and flower embroideries.

©2018 Jenkins 




Mixed Media on Canvas. 8 1/2" x 8 1/2" ea.
Original Sold
Prints $65

"Whimsical movement", is probably my painting mantra if there ever was one. Ive started to regularly mix water with my paint. I enjoy the faint watered down paint, together in contrast with roughed, textured applications. The shift in texture , leading to the embroidery, is almost mesmerizing. 

©2017 Jenkins