
Copy Cat/2018

Mixed Media on Canvas. 31" x 37".
Original $415
Prints $95-$295

It took my palette some time and soul searching, to start understanding abstract expressionism and how it relates to my work. If you've read about my previous, Nature Series you'll know that much of my art is focused around subconscious perception of color and composition. Though this series of work has manifested itself much differently, the motivation for Movement & Melancholy varies only slightly from it's predecessor. It is definitely about color, and composition but more specifically, technique. This series of work is about intuition and self-exploration and and only after a year of production, has this motif revealed itself to me.

©2018 Jenkins



Sea Foam/2018

Mixed Media on Canvas. 13" x 31".
Original Sold
Prints $75-$175

I spent 2 months of the Summer in 2018 in Gulf Shores. It shows.

©2018 Jenkins



Sugar Mama/2018

Acrylic on Canvas. 18" x 35" ea.
Original $415
Prints $95-$295

This piece marks the end of an era. You may have noticed, each piece thus far created under the Movement & Melancholy Series has been named with an M. That ends now, mostly. I've almost run out of M names I find to be inspiring. I've also promised myself I would put more effort into naming my pieces. Well see how that goes...

©2018 Jenkins




Mixed Media on Canvas. 20.75" x 25.75".
Original Sold
Prints $55-$195

May I introduce you to my new favorite obsession... gold leaf. It's no secret, I love gold. I love using metallic colored paintings to add a little flare to my work, but this gold leaf brings it to the next level. These gold accents match the natural color of the seashell almost perfectly; gleaming stars in a sea of blues, turquoise and lavender. 

©2018 Jenkins




Mixed Media on Canvas. 32" x 32".
Original Sold
Prints $85-$285

I'm really working to refine my style more and more these days. Working consistently every day, gives me the opportunity to explore new relationships of color, composition and technique. I love the way the turquoise, purples and pink plays off and the peach and terracotta tones. The color shift leads your eyes through the image to the delicate drips of ink that seems to melt down the canvas. Materials used in this piece include acrylic paint, ink and permanent marker.

©2018 Jenkins



Magnesium/ 2018

Mixed Media on Canvas. 20" x 15"
Prints $55-95

If you've ever heard me talk about the 'minis' I paint, something I express time and time again is how I love being able to paint without inhibitions. I allow myself to take more risks. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. Well at first, this piece just was not working! I revisited this piece over and over again, for weeks and just couldn't create anything I thought was good, until one night it just sort of revealed itself to me. This tropical color scheme and rich yellows work so well with the textures I had laid down on previous layers. This stunning red flower embroidery and perfectly white, perfectly shaped seashell brought the entire piece together.

©2018 Jenkins



Margarita/ 2018

Mixed Media on Canvas. 37" x 37"
Original Sold
Prints $85-$285

I don't drink tequila but painting this made me crave a margarita. When I began this series, I decided that, with a name like Movement & Melancholy, I should name each piece with an "m" word. So I made a list- Marmalade, Melanin, Majesty, Margarita. At a certain point, I started to draw inspiration from my list of names and this piece just flowed out of me with such little effort. I used found objects around my home and dipped them into paint to get those perfect circles. I used everything from the base of a huge flower pot, to a tiny little drinking straw. I added brush strokes of white paint mixed with a resin sand medium around the outside edges to look like salt on the rim of the glass. I am so ready for summer.

©2018 Jenkins




Mixed Media on Canvas. 10.5" x 45.5"
Original $270
Prints $75-$225

This completion of this piece has been a long time coming. I actually laid the base coat of paint and stretched it way back when I was first starting this series, one year ago. I used the same technique I do in a lot of paintings- I basically pour paint all over the ground and then press an unstretched piece of canvas down on top of it. For a long time this sat in the corner of my studio. It took a while to spark my inspiration for this piece and find some direction but I absolutely love the end result. Materials include acrylic paint and colored inks, with sea shells and flower embroideries sewn in.

©2018 Jenkins



Modernize/ 2018

Mixed Media on Canvas. 22.5" x 29.5"
Original $210
Prints $75-$185

I'll admit, after years of obsessing over color, I'm falling in love with grays. You'll see, I haven't entirely ditched the color, but something about the gray tones give the color that much more emphasis. As they say, quality over quantity- well color palette is no exception when it comes to these busy, abstract compositions.

©2018 Jenkins




Mixed Media on Canvas. 35"x25".
Original $175
Prints $95-$235

Sometimes the paint has a mind of it's own. I used the same printing technique that I used in Emotions04, pouring paint onto the floor, and pressing unstretched canvas against it. This section of my canvas had so much character when I pulled it back up. Then, I took a leap of faith and cut it into 3 pieces- I'm glad I did. The separation of this piece into three parts, forces your eye to consider each section individually, appreciating how each mark interacts with it's neighbor. Then, you broaden your focus and notice slight similarities, leading you eye from one canvas to the next.

©2018 Jenkins 




Mixed Media on Canvas. 39" x 27".
Original $315
Prints $85-$285

Less is usually more. I start regularly incorporating the palette knife and some Jackson Pollockesque paint splatters. And the icing on the cake, the part that really pulls the piece together, are the embroideries. Here, Im using flowers and some gold-painted sea shells. The hues of this piece immediately take me to a warm august evening.

©2017 Jenkins




Mixed Media on Canvas. 52" x 25".
Original $390
Prints $85-$285

When I first started this piece, I had a completely different plan. I was initially going for a warm-toned image. I even had some piece of burlap sewn to the canvas. Then I didn't touch it for about 6 weeks. When I came back to it, I had a totally different vision. I scrapped the burlap went for the palette knife. I truly feel like I'm beginning to understand how to control my palette. It's all about placement and technique, leaving white space and not over working it.

©2017 Jenkins




Acrylic on Bristol paper. 10 3/4" x 103/4"
Original $115
Prints $65

I've started to take a minimalist approach to my paintings around this time, focusing mostly on movement in the composition, controlling my brush strokes and color palette. 

©2017 Jenkins




Mixed media on canvas. 35 1/4" x 15 1/4".
Original $295
Prints $75-$"275

I hadn't painted for a few months when I started this. I used an old technique that I described in paintings, Emotions_004 & Emotions_005. Essentially, I did the exacta same thing here. I stretched the canvas and then continued to paint, finding relationships to make, experimenting with technique and using my natural eye to control my movements. Mediums used include acrylic paint, and colored inks, with sewn in flower embroidery.